Hi, Friends! I’m touching base with you with a bit of news about Makes and Munchies, and I wanted to share this with you.
This decision for Makes and Munchies is bitter-sweet but necessary.
We are excited to announce that Makes and Munchies will have a new name and home, coming up in just a blink!
Sign up below to be notified when we launch!
Drumrollllll, “Makes and Munchies” new name is SEWPAPILLA! The new web address is sewpapilla.com.
The new blog has not launched yet, but it will be this month.
We are over the moon to announce that we will be featuring step-by-step sewing projects! Hence the name SEWpapilla.
We are also excited to bring you step-by-step video tutorials for budget-friendly creative crafts and sewing projects to help you along the way.
This blog is for newbies, creators, and like-minded makers. So be on the lookout for all of the exciting Sewpapilla details!
I have many creative pursuits that I’m personally excited to explore. I hope you will join me so that together we can explore, learn, and experience handmade inspired adventures!
We are working hard on the last-minute details to create a fantastic home for our blog.
We can’t wait to show you!
Joining us on this journey will mean the world to me. Do you want to be notified when we launch Sewpapilla and receive updates?
You can sign up here by filling out the form below. Then, when it’s time to launch, I will notify you.
I can’t thank you enough for your support with Makes and Munchies! I will forever be grateful! I look forward to seeing you over at Sewpapilla!