Hi Friends! Are you looking for an easy way to make DIY Cheerleading pom pom’s in just a few steps? Look no further, I’ve got your back! You’ll have your very own cheerleading poms in no time at all!
The DIY cheerleading pom pom’s are so fun to use for sports games or at home to watch your favorite game.
And, the GLOW IN THE DARK handles is so fun for kids!
There is a local volleyball team here in San Antonio for kids to join, and little Jozel was signed up on the all-girls Strikers Team.
Jozel loved playing volleyball so much, she continued playing volleyball on several teams for a couple of years after that.

Jozel’s volleyball games were every Saturday for a couple of months, and our family were there cheering on her team, with our pom pom’s, of course!
The Strikers volleyball team colors were black, blue, and white, so, to show our team spirit for her team, we made this DIY Cheerleading pom pom shown below.

Ready to make your DIY Cheerleading Pom Pom’s? It’s super easy, I promise! And, It cost me only $5.00 to make these! Outstanding, right!?
Choose your team colors, and LET’S GO!
- 6 Large pieces of Blue Tissue Paper
- 6 Large pieces of Black Tissue Paper
- 6 Large pieces of White Tissue Paper
- 1 36 inch piece of Blue Yarn
- 1 Glow in the Dark Bracelet
- Scissors
- Hot Glue Gun
- Glue Sticks

STEP 1: Gather your supplies needed for the pom pom’s. For the Strikers Team. We’re using blue, black, and white tissue paper for this tutorial.
STEP 2: Layer the multiple colors of tissue paper on top of each other as shown in #2 above. Each color will have two sheets of tissue paper.
For example, the layers above have 2 blues, 2 whites, 2 blacks, again 2 blues, 2 whites, 2 blacks and so on.
It’s up to you how many layers you want. The more layers you have, the more fullness you’ll have.
STEP 3: Now, fold the tissue paper in half.
STEP 4: String the yarn in between the folded tissue paper. The yarn is going to be used as a guide for step #7 below.

STEP 5: Cut your desired width of strips, then grip the bottom edge of the layered tissue paper with your fingers, then cut your strips, leaving at least one inch uncut from the folded edge.
STEP 6: Continue cutting strips from one end to the other.
STEP 7: Carefully, unfold the tissue paper.
At one end, start opening up the tissue paper by separating the strips. The string will help guide you to the center. Simply grab each end of the yarn and slowly separate the strips to unfold.
Now, gather and fold all of the layers from one end to the other, kind of like rolling a pig in a blanket. Ha!
STEP 8: Tie yarn around the gathered up tissue paper and tie several knots to keep it secure.
STEPS 9-11 Pom Pom’s

STEP 9: Assemble the handle. Place one Glow Stick underneath the knotted yarn.
STEP 10: Place a small amount of hot glue on one end of the glow stick and place one side of the glow stick fitting onto the glued tip. Repeat on the opposite end.
Your glow stick bracelet is now a pom pom handle!
STEP 11: Fluff up your Pom Pom’s and shake to active the glow in the dark handles.
To fluff the pom pom’s, start separating and scrunching the strips in small sections. The more you scrunch and squeeze the strips, the more fullness you’ll have.
That’s it, you’re done!
I’m going to have more pom pom projects in the near future, so, keep a lookout!
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See, I told you it was easy making DIY cheerleading pom pom’s. All that’s left to do is to go spread that team spirit for your favorite team using your very own DIY Cheerleading Pom Pom’s!

These pom pom’s were easy and fun to make.
To make these pom pom’s, the supplies were inexpensive, and only cost $5.00, can you believe it?
You can add any color you desire, and make them as full as you’d like.
Let me know in the comments below, your thoughts on the DIY Cheerleading Pom Pom project, and which colors you’re going to choose for your team spirit!
Also, I’d love it if you shared this project so someone may benefit from this. 🙂
Don’t forget, keep a lookout, I’ll be creating different styles of pom pom’s in the near future for you Pom Pom lovers!
Your ideas are more than welcome.