Michelle Cox has the U.S. and common law trademark rights pending and is represented by the law firm LegalForce RAPC Worldwide (www.legalforcelaw.com). Any questions with respect to licensing, use, and/or legal matters with respect to the MAKES AND MUNCHIES brand should be directed to Alexis Campbell at Alexis@legalforcelaw.com.
The following information above and below are the Makes and Munchies Website/Blog terms and conditions. Makes and Munchies are provided for entertainment and informative purposes only. This website is a family-friendly website and does not contain any “mature” nature. The projects, tutorials, and articles found here are intended for an adult audience. They may include the use of power tools, chemicals, and other items to cause injury (or worse) to children.
See My: Privacy Policy
See My: Disclosure
Neither I nor any of my contributors claim to be professionals in the areas of DIY (do-it-yourself) projects or Nutrition. I/We are simply here because we/I enjoy DIY projects, creating, recipes and enjoy sharing personal lifestyle tips and just want to share my/our process along the way.
Our suggestions, methods, and tutorials are not error-free, and we make absolutely no guarantees that readers who tackle these projects will have the same outcome. If you choose to use one of the tutorials on this website, you do so at your own risk.
Please use extra safety precautions (even if they are not specifically mentioned in the tutorial, e.g., the use of protective goggles, gloves, etc. when needed), and do any additional research needed so that you feel comfortable taking on these projects and using the suggested tools.
And most importantly, please use common sense. By using this website (and any of the tutorials found on Makes and Munchies), you agree that if you are injured while attempting something you’ve seen on Makes and Munchies, or if a project does not yield the results that you intended after following the tutorials and tips shown here, you will not hold Makes and Munchies, Michelle Cox, or any contributor to Makes and Munchies liable in any way.
You may use 1-2 photos from each post on the Makes and Munchies website, as long as you kindly link them back to https://makesandmunchies.com or its original post. You may contact me here, or email me at michelle@makesandmunchies.com, for additional requests.
However, please keep in mind content, including images, displayed on this website is protected by copyright laws. Downloading, republication, retransmission, or reproduction of the content on this website is strictly prohibited.